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5 Day Club & Kidz Club
When Jesus saw this…He said unto them, “let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom belongs to such as these”… And He took the children in His arms, put His hand on them and blessed them.
Mark 10:14, 16
5 Day Club & Kidz Club is a part of our outreach ministry specifically targeting youth between the ages of 5-12. The Club is held for two weeks during the summer. It is two weeks of fun-filled activities as tools to share the gospel of JESUS CHRIST:
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Look for more details in the month of June.
Contact Us:
West Dallas Community Church
2215 Canada Drive
Dallas, Texas 75212
Office: 214.634.1303
Fax: 214.630.2352
West Dallas Outreach
2215 Canada Drive, Bldg. A
Dallas, Texas 75212
Office: 214.637.7741
Fax: 214.630.2352
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